This means that users must purchase rights to use the font on a system. Missing fonts usually occur when a document uses fonts that have licensing restrictions. When attempting to print a PDF file, users may encounter a disturbing alert window from Acrobat reader that says that fonts in the document are not available on the system. Let’s take a closer look at the problem and how to deal with it.
In spite of the portability of the PDF, sometimes fonts are left out of the file, resulting in font substitutions or errors, making the file difficult to view and print the document in a way that reflects the original version.īecause fonts missing when printing PDF files can produce undesirable results, mainly the substitution of built-in Adobe Serif MM and Adobe Sans MM fonts for the fonts that are missing. PDF files generally support most common font types including TrueType, Type 1, Type 3, and OpenType. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Adobe’s Acrobat PDF file format is a portable format, meaning that PDF files should be transportable between computers and should look and print in a consistent manner.